In an effort to align our policies with local government guidelines regarding minors, the current policy is in effect.

Minor Badge level 1:

Attendees with this badge and no parent visibly present may be spoken to by convention staff to confirm both age, and parental presence at any time.  Any minors of this type unsupervised after 9pm will be brought to our Public Safety Office to locate parents.

Age 5 and under

Admitted at no-charge with a properly registered and badged parent.

Ages 6 through 15:

Children under age 13 must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a valid convention membership badge while in the convention. Ages 13 thorugh 15 may be allowed to be in the convention unsupervised for no more than 3 hours and cannot remain overnight without a parent or guardian.

Minor Badge Level 2:

Attendees with this badge will be allowed to attend without a parent present. Fur the More/MidAnthro does its best to ensure a safe environment for all present, but we are not responsible for monitoring or supervising your child.

Ages 16 and 17:

Attendees between the ages of 16 and 17 may claim their badge with parent or guardian present. They may attend the convention without a parent present. Local guidelines allow for attendees age 16 and 17 to be unsupervised for up to two days. However, it is highly recommended that a parent or guardian be present at the convention if the child is intending to remain overnight as adult programming and activities may be occurring including alcohol sales at the hotel bars.

Over 18:

Attendees over the age of 18 will be able to attend all functions of the convention. Some functions later in the evening may be rated for 18+ members and a valid ID must be produced upon request of the convention staff with their convention badge prior to admittance into the event. Age verification is generally done when picking up the badge at registration, but may be requested at any time to verify that the badge matches the attendee.

Minors are not permitted under any circumstances to enter areas that have been designated for mature audiences.

Age Falsification:

Anyone found to be allowing a minor to use their badge to enter 18+ events or otherwise assisting them to attend will have their attendance revoked and reported to the authorities.  Anyone providing false documentation of identity or age will be denied membership and reported to the police.