Q: Are you sponsoring a charity this year?
A: Yes! We'll be sponsoring the local charity, The Frederick Center! They to exist to support and advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people and their families, to thrive, and be accepted and affirmed, in the broader Frederick community. Please head over to our Charity page for more information.

Q: Do you have a guest of honor for the 2025 event?
A: Not quite yet! Keep an eye of Social Media and the website blog for announcements when we get closer to the convention dates!

Q: How can I make a monetary donation to the convention, or its parent company, the Mid-Atlantic Anthropomorphic Association Inc 501(c)(3)?
A: Check the "Donate" link in our menu or click here.

Q: Why won't you comment on someone being banned from your events?
A: Issuing statements on bans and trespasses opens an event to defamation suits. Examples of this include legal cases from here and here.