an illumination of a red field with a golden crown

Our 2024 Guest of Honor

Jan 12, 2024

Fur the More presents our 2024 Guest of Honor: HollyAnn!

Our 2024 guest of honor HollyAnn. She is wearing historical garments of purple and white and wearing oval glasses.

HollyAnn has been around the furry scene since 1997, getting her start in furry art by drawing her friends in the graphical chat program Furcadia. Since then, she's been active in the furry fandom for over 15 years before taking a hiatus for personal self improvement...however, still keeping one foot in the fandom to check in periodically.

When she's not involved in the fandom, she's an active illuminator in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for her Kingdom, making painted illustrations for award scrolls, and studying ancient manuscripts and books from the Middle Ages, making her own paint pigments, as well as practicing other arts and sciences craftwork such as tablet weaving, naalbinding, and luceting.

She lives in rural Vermont with her husband. She's currently attending college and working on getting her Certificate in Studio Arts.

an illumination with a scribe yelling at a mythical beast, and text down the page and an ink smudge from the beast